Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I live in Greenbank, which is quite a nice area. It's not very big and the name isn't really official (we're officially "Lower Easton", although we're higher than the rest of Easton). It is a bit nicer and greener than most of Easton which is a very tightly-packed Bristol suburb.

Main points of Greenbank:

Chocolate factory.
Big, rambling building built by the Quakers. They weren't allowed into a lot of trades because they were Quakers and so had to set up their own businesses. Chocolate was big around Bristol. Up until recently they used to boil up the chocolate there and the streets would smell very chocolatey. But no more. They are leaving the factory in a couple of years and I've heard there are plans for 350 houses there.

Greenbank Cemetery

A very large green space. The cemetery is the dead centre of Greenbank. People are dying to get in there. There's a rule that no one who lives in Greenbank can be buried in the cemetery - they've got to be dead.

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