Sunday, January 15, 2006

Technical bits

I have set up a couple of hit counters to try them out. The first one records every site visit (including me) and the second records every visit except me (or people who look like me). I have chosen the "caveman" style in that one. Good, isn't it? Using this counter obliges me to carry the advert for "Dollar Car Rentals".

I now have two people making comments!! Thanks to both of you. Unfortunately, they are both signed anonymous and the trouble with that is I don't know who they came from.
Why not adopt a nom-de-blog, so I'll know who's who. Unless you don't want to, in which case don't, see if I care.


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting to see if you care

alexhighrise said...

I can identify with what you say. I'd like to know who's reading what I write. But truly I'm jealous you get so many comments and I get so few.