Monday, February 05, 2007

Two Cans Short of a Pyramid

Great News! I've got a new hobby and it's called Collecting Tin Cans.
I've got thirteen so far and only need two more to complete a human pyramid.

When finished it will be the world's first human pyramid made entirely of tin cans.
If it's sucessful, then the potential labour-saving costs to the circus and acrobatic industry could be enormous.

You'll notice that the labels have all been removed. I've very particular about avoiding product placement.

I think it's important that people can trust this site to give frank and honest opinions, unsullied by commercial sponsorship deals.

I've accepted no payments from Heinz,for example, who do a nice can of vegetable soup for 65p (on offer at the moment at two for £1:18p)


Anonymous said...

labour-saving? you mean doing someone out of a job, not just someone more like lots of people, and not just people but acrobats and circus folk. I think you need to put a lot of thought into the consequences of your actions...I don't know, tin can collectors always trying to take something over...and not just something, more like lots of things...

sb4444 said...

Yes, you're right of course.

I blame scientists myself - always thinking up labour saving ideas, but never considering the social consequences.

Er...would it be alright if I made a scientist out of tin cans?