Monday, April 06, 2009

Bird Poo and Lime Flowers

People are always asking me why I don't include more photos of
bird poo and lime flowers on this blog.

Well, it's not that easy. While it's not too much of a problem persuading birds to poo, lime flowers just won't fall off the trees till they're ready, no matter how much you shout at them (believe me I've tried).

But at long last I've managed to capture some, so here you are.


1 comment:

baruch said...

You clearly have powers of persuasion well in advance of mine. How exactly do you persuade birds to poo. I've been trying for an hoiur now with a local pidgeon - and he stubbornly refuses to produce anything. Is it my conversational style? Are there key phrases which induce the defecation reflect in creatures of flight. You are a veritable Dr Poolittle. Please let me in on the secret.