Sunday, September 03, 2006

Piccalilli Problem

The morning after a heavy Piccalilli session

There's an old saying: ' A bit of piccalilli with your meals does no harm, but eating jars and jars of it is not advisable'.

There was never a truer word spoken.

I've been overdoing the condiments recently.

Used to eat a bit of Branston Pickle,
After a while that seemed dull.
Began to crave more excitement from the world of pickles.
The bright yellow of the piccalilli jar.
Started to entice.

But now
With the help of the local pickle users support group
I am coming to terms with the problem.

(Old Japanese haiku)


sb4444 said...

Click here for pictures of piccalilli.

sb4444 said...

Click for pics of piccalilli

alexhighrise said...

Re: "There was never a truer word spoken."
I'm sorry, I can't believe this claim for a moment and am right now thinking of calling or writing to someone about it I'm that something or other