Friday, June 09, 2006

Media Cover Up

One good thing about these blogs is that we can step in when the media ignores events or tries to hush them up.

I have been reliably told by an informed source that there is going to be a major sports tournament taking place over the next two weeks.

Why hasn't there been any mention of it in the papers or on TV? Admittedly I haven't been looking too closely, but the whole thing smells of a cover-up to me. I have to ask : "What are they trying to hide"?

Apparently the event will take place on the Continent, probably somewhere in Germany, and will concentrate on a sport known as football. This is similar to golf, except the ball is hit with a foot instead of a golfing stick, and rather than a hole in the ground, the ball is directed to a "goal".

The usual format is for two teams to oppose each other and whoever scores the most goals (numerically speaking) is often declared the winner.

The teams are arranged along national lines. England has entered a team. Their top player is a young man called Rooney who seems to have recovered from a recent injury. However, as he is closely related to the potato family there are fears that blight or Colorado beetle may affect his performance. Doctors are keeping their fingers crossed, although some of them are complaining that it's hard to work with crossed fingers.

I shall be entering into the spirit of the competition by supporting Sweden, who I have picked in a sweepstake. I stand to win thirty-two great britain pounds if they finish top. I don't know much about the team except that the coach is called Lars Lagerback, which is good enough for me. I have a plastic Swedish flag and, although I don't know any Swedish songs, I'm sure I can embellish something along the lines of "I can't find my Volvo in the snow". Ja!Ja!Ja!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Seagull 1 to HQ. All units converge on this position. He knows about the tournament. Repeat, he knows. ---chchchchchch MESSAGE ENDS