Monday, June 26, 2006

Modern Flies

Do you like these new flies they've got out? In the 20th century flies were not very colourful. Now, thanks to the Internet, we get them in all colours and shapes and sizes. Very shiny ones too. I was reading about this sort in Flyspotter's Monthly, a periodical for people who like watching flies. Apparently they are much better at flying around lightbulbs than ordinary flies. Also it's possible to train them to fly in formation. The Queen now has her own fly display team for use on ceremonial occasions.

FlyTip: Rotting meat left in your home or garden will attract a wide variety of flies for you to watch.


alexhighrise said...

No doubt Flyspotter's Monthly said this fly was a Green Bottle (Lucilia Caesar) being less common indoors than the Blue Bottle. The maggot feeds on living and dead flesh so corpses and sunbathers be warned.

Anonymous said...

Well it's certainly a lot bigger than the flies I'm used to. And that's a massive leaf as well.